Linux Mint のインストールで躓いた部分(覚え書き)


PCはvaio z2




./grub-install /dev/sda に失敗する。
しかもWindows Boot Managerを消すっていう状況にされる。(インストール途中のGrubが入る)

UbuntuのソフトでBoot Repairというのがあるのでそれを入れることにする。

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
sudo sed 's/trusty/saucy/g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yannubuntu-boot-repair-trusty.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && (boot-repair &)



google seachの画面を見やすくするcss








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margin-left: 120px;

#cnt #center_col, #cnt #foot {
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.mw #rhs {
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stylishのセクションにコードを貼り、適応先を個別設定させて url指定を にする。




stylish - Google 検索




body, #loading { background: url("") #ffffff fixed repeat left top !important;  }
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#mbEnd, .ta, .sf, #gn3, .qd, .modal-dialog-title, .textcenter, #ps-restrict-query, .hd{color: #ffffff !important; background: url("") transparent fixed repeat left center !important;}

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#ap a{font-size:11px; color: #ffffff !important;}

.yui-gb, #modules, .std {background:transparent !important;}
#gbar, u, .gb1, .ha, .lite-button-caption, .goog-custom-button-inner-box, .wide h1{background: transparent !important; color: #99ccff !important;}

.green_url, .a, .og *, a font, .vlim-duration, .duration_text, #hs_duration_date, #video-duration{color: #99ffcc !important;}
.ha:hover, a font:hover, #chead3 *, .DP_today_selected, .threads-main-row:hover, .thread:hover, .thread div:hover, .unread, .dropdown div:hover, .unread div:not(.date) b 
.threads-field:hover, .unread div:not(.date):hover {color: #99ccff !important;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #ffffff !important;}
.std, #SD, font, NOBR, .r, .dg, .ks, .date-options li b, div[style="padding-left: 3em;"], div[style="margin-top: 0.6em; float: left; vertical-align: bottom;"], .qsnippet, .cur, .disclaimer{color: #ffffff !important;}

.r, .current-input {color: #666666 !important;}
.yh, .off2 td {color: #aaaaaa !important;}

a, .linkon, .lk, #dateunderlay {color: #99ccff !important;}*/

.onegoogle, #guser, .langmenu select, #details, td, .gbmt-hvr {background: rgba(20,20,20,.5) !important;}

.modboxin *{border-left: none !important;border-right: none !important;border-top: none !important;}

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.modlabel {background: url("")

transparent fixed repeat left center !important; color: #ffffff !important;}
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.tld, .gd-mod, .printborder, #chrome_main1, .rhead, .inset, .DP_heading, .DP_weekday_selected, .DP_weekend_selected, 

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#rowheaders, #rowheadcell, #calowner, #grid, #decowner, #gridcontainer, #lv_listview *, .modelinkOff, .rshdr, .tphdr, #gb > div, .gbts {background: transparent !important;}
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td[bgcolor="#efefef"], .sf, .qf, .la{background: url("")transparent fixed repeat left center !important; color: #ffffff !important;}

center div[style="padding: 2px;"], center div[style="padding: 2px;"] *{color: #ffffff !important;}

table{background: transparent !important;}

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H4 {background: transparent !important;}
H2 {color: #ffffff !important;}

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div[style="border-top: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); width: 250px; padding-top: 10px;"]{border:none !important; }

img.c{display:none !important;}
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.date{color: #99ffcc !important;}

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{background: url("")transparent 

fixed repeat left center !important; }

.subject_label {color: #aaaaaa !important; }
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.gac_d {color: #99ffcc !important;}
.productTitle i {color: #99ffcc !important;}
.style9, .productDesc {color: #ffffff !important;} 
td[bgcolor="#00ffff"], tr[bgcolor="#bbcced"] {background: transparent !important;}*/

div[style="padding: 4px 0pt 0pt; font-size: small;"] {color: #ffffff !important;}

.dt, .modbox_e, .thread-top, #thread-b-1, #thread-b-1 *, .mole_border, .goog-button-base-outer-box, .goog-button-base-inner-box  {background: transparent !important;}

.thread-header, .message-footer, div[style="border: 2px solid rgb(115, 166, 255); padding: 15px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); width: 40em;"], div[style="position: absolute; top: 840px; left: 355px;"], .v2_promo, .inline-images-warning, #gbi, .gb2, #gbs, .dropdown, .dropdown div, .list tr:hover, h2, .g:hover, .header_promo, .roster_entry_hover, #wack_options, #wack_emoticons, .goog-tabpane-tab-selected, .goog-icon-picker-iconbox:hover, #tips, #explore-promo {background: url("")transparent fixed repeat left center !important;}

#gbs {visibility: hidden !important;}
#remote_61 * {color: black !important;}

.threads-field, .compose-label{color: #99ccff !important;}

.inline-images-warning span {color: #99ffcc !important;}

.unread div:not(.date) {color: #ffffff !important;}

.date, .thread-header-date {color: #99ffcc !important;}
.thread-content:not(a), .thread-content *:not(a), #content1:not(a), #content1 *:not(a){color: #cccccc !important; }
.gd-hint, #select_box, #select_box option {color: #00ffff !important;}

td[style="padding-right: 8px;"]{padding-right: 40px !important; padding-bottom: 10px !important;}

img[src=""] {width: 0px !important; padding-left: 200px !important; background: url("") transparent no-repeat scroll right top !important; background-position: -16px 0px !important; }
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#srp-logo {width: 140px !important;color: transparent !important;}
#logo[title="Go to Google Home"] {height: 60px !important;}
#logo[title="Go to Google Home"] img {display: none !important;}*/ google ロゴ 検索結果左

.section_title h2, #gog {background: transparent !important;}

/*textarea, input[type="text"], input[type="file"], input[type="search"], input[type="input"], input[type="password"], input[type="hidden"], input[type="input"], input[title="Google Search"], input[title="Search Products"], input[name="q"], #searchInput, #dictQuery {background: rgba(0,0,0,.5) !important; color: #ffffff !important; border-width: 0px !important; padding: 3px !important;-moz-appearance:none!important;}*/

select {-moz-appearance:none !important; border-width: 1px !important; padding: 3px !important; color: #ffffff !important;}

#rpsp, #sc-block, .sc, .rl-item, #searchagain, .iplay-container,.resultbar. .search-results-toolbelt, #ap, .video, .embedded_player_container, .mod_content, .video-list-item:hover, #search-options-table-element, .div-footer, .video-list-item, #metadata-div, .gooooogle, .bottom-search, .search-box-links, .result, .sellers-alt, #product-basic-info, #all-sections-links, #product-name, .search_advanced, #show_search_opts, .tg-today, .wk-today, #resultspanel, #resultspanel .one, .hp, #lmc3d, #scalecontrol, .dirsegment, .dir_altroute_inner, .launcher_body, .pp-maincol, .pp-footer-links, .placepage, .mmboxheaderinactive, .e, .me_entry_status, .blue, #search-restrict-input:not(.label-input-label), .folder, .friends-tree-following-info, #viewer-header, #viewer-container, #entries .interruption, #entries .entry .card, .entry-likers, .card-comments, #tbd, #viewer-page-container, #settings, #settings td, .setting-body, .collapsed, .entry-container, .blueBox, .fade, .gac_od, .gac_id, #leftnav, #hidden_modes, #bfl, #fll, #hmp, .navigation, #list, #addstuff, div[style="width: 100%; clear: both;"] table, #box *, #body_body, .selectionTools, #GMdisplay, .thread, .thread-l, .thread-r, .thread-header-date, .reply_compose_container, .footer-links-selected, #wml, #wng, #col2, #gen-query, #ps-footer-bg, .list tr, #ps-titlebar, #ps-titlebar + div, td[style="border-top: 1px solid rgb(51, 102, 204); padding: 3px 7px; background: rgb(229, 236, 249) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;"], #talk_container, .talk_roster, .me_entry, .roster_msgs_entry, .roster_msgs_entry div[style="padding: 3px;"], .roster_buzz, #inner_roster, .roster_entry, #chat_content, .mole_color, #mole_parent, .wackhistory, .wackmsgtype_i, .wackfooter, .gadget_set, .goog-popupiconpicker, .goog-tabpane, .goog-tabpane-tab, .goog-tabpane-cont, .goog-icon-picker-iconbox, #nav, .blk, .xsm, td[width="32%"] table, .content, .modboxin, .button-body-container, .button-body, .bbl, .bbr, .btl, .btr, .section, #footer, #artist_promo tbody, #artist_promo td, td[bgcolor="#d5ddf3"], .page-title, .outer-box, .label-dropdown, p[style*="color: rgb(118, 118, 118)"], .entry, .subject_label, .dd, .dd_border, .rnd1, .rnd2, .rnd3, .rnd1_max_top, .rnd2_max_top, .rnd3_max_top, .surroundborder, .gac_m tbody, tr[bgcolor="#e5ecf9"],td[bgcolor="#e5ecf9"] , .tablib_unselected, span[style="padding: 4px; background: rgb(255, 255, 153) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;"], div[style="border-top: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); width: 250px; padding-top: 10px;"], .bubble, .form-noindent, #links, td[bgcolor="#e8eefa"], .post, .feature-description, .feature-image, .header, .header td, tr[bgcolor="#ffffff"], table[cellpadding="3"] tbody, table[cellpadding="3"] table[cellpadding="3"], table[cellpadding="3"] table[cellpadding="3"] tr, table[cellpadding="3"] table[cellpadding="8"], table[cellpadding="3"] table[cellpadding="8"] td[width="1%"], #webtable, #webtable tbody, #text_form, #texttable, #search-section table, .viewpane, .doclistappview, .navpane-container-scrollable, .goog-listitem, .goog-option, .goog-menu, .svcs, .pi, .footer, body[dir="ltr"] > table[width="100%"] > tbody > tr, table[cellpadding="2"] td[valign="top"] table tr[bgcolor="#e5ecf9"], table[width="400"] td, .tab, #headerText, .product-group, #hc-links font, .sidetable, #chrome_main3, .month_event, center div[style="padding: 2px;"], center div[style="padding: 2px;"] *, select, .modboxin, .modbox, #atd, #tsf, #hmp, #lhs-ref, #center_col, #navcnt, #container, .g, .ft, #navbar, .t, .og, .rb, .yf, .goog-custom-button, .oa, .wh *, .db, .yi, .lh, #gn15_0, .oh, .ti, .vi, .pi, .ri, .wi, body[marginheight="2"] #guser + table tbody tr td[valign="top"] table tbody tr:first-child td, .header_tab, #bsf, #bsf p, #gb, #ssb, #tads, #search, H3, #main table td, .center, .msg_box, .directory-entry, center td, .ui, .qi, .si, .sh, .qh, .gn_c, .bj, .modal-dialog, .modal-dialog-content, .modal-dialog-buttons, .pa, .kd, .p, .noborder td, .leftnav div[style="border-right: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204);"] table tbody tr:first-child td:first-child, .j, .qsnippet, .fineprint, div[style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-size: smaller; text-align: center;"], div[style="font-size: 100%; width: 100%; margin-top: 10px;"], #ImgContent td, .ps-rcont, .ps-sorts, .attr-table, .n, .d, .ps-rprice, td[width="49%"] table tbody tr td[width="1%"], .refinements, table tbody tr td table tbody tr td table[style="margin-left:1em;"] tbody tr td, .wmEven, .wmDetail, #resultsContent, .wmContent, .res > tbody > tr, div[style="background-color: rgb(229, 236, 249); border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(51, 102, 204); border-width: 1px 0pt; clear: both; margin-top: 20px; padding: 20px 0pt; text-align: center;"], #pp, #resultStats, div[style*="background:#f5f7fd"], .vspi, #mngb {background: rgba(20,20,20,.35) !important;}

#spsizer, #rv_panel, #separator, #po-box, .rg_hv, .vsb {background: rgba(0,0,0,.75) !important;}

#vspb, #vspc {background: rgba(0,0,0,.5) !important;}

#_h, .google-ac-a, .google-ac-b, .sellers-alt *, .g-unit h3, .wk-allday, #rmiLink, #panel .bar, .ddwpt, #panel, .actbar, #tileContainer .gmnoprint div, #wpanel, #leaf-bar-links, .dir_warnbox div, .blue .button *, #videoheader, .selector, .broadcast, .created, .sub, .sub .link, #chrome-view-links, #ghead, #fctr, #gbg, .off td, .off2 td, .on td  {background: transparent !important;}

#ss-box {background: url("") #00ffff fixed repeat right center !important; ;}

.tree-link-selected, .entry-actions, .collapsed:hover, .rl-highlight, .rl-item:hover, #ss-box a:hover, .video-selected, .mod-header, #hotstuff_thumbnail_grid_item:hover, .hot_videos_title_bar, .video-list-item:hover, .google-ac-m tbody, .result:hover, .hdg, .tg-times-pri, .bubble, .bubble-tl, .bubble-tr, .bubble-br, .bubble-bl, .bubble-mid, .bubble-top, .bubble-bottom, .bubble-table, .bubble-corner, .gac_b, #resultspanel .one:hover, #trafficcontrol div, #lyrc div, #hmtctl div, #links, .sl, #slm, .ddwpt_table, .altroute_current, .altroute_hover, .actbar-lhs-wrapper, .dropdownmenu, .dropdownmenu div, .rvhov, #rvbar, #traffic_options, .gmnoprint[style="color: white; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: small; -moz-user-select: none; z-index: 0; position: absolute; right: 7px; top: 50px;"], .rbll:hover, #tileContainer div.gmnoprint, .bar, #dir_wps td, .dir_adbox_c0 div, .mmboxheaderinactive:hover, .blue .button, #chrome-header, .goog-button-base-content, .broadcast:hover .link, .created:hover .link, .folder .link:hover, .selector:not(#recommendations-tree-container):not(#friends-tree-container):hover, .card-actions, #viewer-footer, #quick-add-bubble-holder, #quick-add-form, .off2 td:hover, .off td:hover, .on td:hover, .msel, #topbar-endcol, #topbar-startcol, .current_mode, .gac_c:hover, .gac_c:focus, .gac_b .gac_c, .promo_ag, #container .controls{background: url("") transparent fixed repeat left center !important; }

.tl b, #rpro b, #ap a, #adv-search nobr, #preferences nobr, #safe-preferences nobr, #report nobr, a span, .link, #trafficcontrol div, #lyrc div, #hmtctl div{color: #99ccff !important;}
.google-ac-d {color: #99ffcc !important;}
h3 em, .source, .result-attributes, .product-attr, .wk-today .wk-daylink, .prompt, .ddw_addr .sa, #dir_title, .actbar span, .mmfchd{color: #ffffff !important; }
.vlim-domain, span, .gac_c {color: #3cffff !important;}  /* 検索結果詳細 色*/
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#5 Onion


そうすると一行目にbegin 666 とでてきます。


JIS -> SJISへの変換プログラム


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

#define ESC 0x1B

void jisToSjis(int *h, int *l){
   if(*h & 1){
      if(*l < 0x60) *l +=  0x1F;
      else *l += 0x20;
   else *l += 0x7E;
   if(*h < 0x5F) *h = (*h + 0xE1) >> 1;
   else *h = (*h + 0x161) >> 1;

int main(void){
	int c, d;
	enum {FALSE, TRUE} jiskanji = FALSE;

	while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
		if (c == ESC) {
			if ((c = getchar()) == '$') {
				if ((c = getchar()) == '@' || c == 'B') {
					jiskanji = TRUE;  
				} else {
					putchar(ESC);  putchar('$');
					if (c != EOF) putchar(c);
			} else if (c == '(') {
				if ((c = getchar()) == 'H' || c == 'J') {
					jiskanji = FALSE;  
				} else {
					putchar(ESC);  putchar('(');
					if (c != EOF) putchar(c);
			} else if (c == 'K') {
				jiskanji = TRUE;  
			} else if (c == 'H') {
				jiskanji = FALSE; 
			} else {
				putchar(ESC);  if (c != EOF) putchar(c);
		} else if (jiskanji && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7E) {
			if ((d = getchar()) >= 0x21 && d <= 0x7E)
			    jisToSjis(&c, &d);
			putchar(c);  if (d != EOF) putchar(d);
		} else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xFE) {
			if ((d = getchar()) >= 0xA1 && d <= 0xFE) {
				d &= 0x7F;  c &= 0x7F;  jisToSjis(&c, &d);
			putchar(c);  if (d != EOF) putchar(d);
		} else putchar(c);
	return 0;

Aitken's delta-squared process





#define N 50

void delta(double array[]){
   double p, q;

   for(int i = 0;i < N;i++){
      for (int j = i; j >= 2; j -= 2) {
         q = array[j] - 2 * array[j - 1] + array[j - 2];
         if (q == 0) {
         p = array[j] - array[j - 1];
         array[j - 2] = array[j] - p * p / q;
      printf("%d % .20e\n", i, array[i]);

int main(void){
   static double array[N];
   double t = 1;

   array[0] = 1;

   for(int i = 1;i < N;i++){
      t *= (-0.1) * i;
      //std :: cout << t << std :: endl;
      array[i] = array[i - 1] + t;
      printf("%d % .20e\n", i, array[i]);
   return 0;


1 9.00000000000000022204e-01
2 9.20000000000000039968e-01
3 9.14000000000000034639e-01
4 9.16399999999999992362e-01
5 9.15200000000000013500e-01
6 9.15920000000000067431e-01
7 9.15416000000000118497e-01
8 9.15819200000000166462e-01
9 9.15456320000000212112e-01
10 9.15819200000000166462e-01
11 9.15420032000000216676e-01
12 9.15899033600000245237e-01
13 9.15276331520000208108e-01
14 9.16148114432000171270e-01
15 9.14840440064000115505e-01
16 9.16932719052800160320e-01
17 9.13375844771840195158e-01
18 9.19778218477568243472e-01
19 9.07613708436684984981e-01
20 9.31942728518451390940e-01
21 8.80851786346741882916e-01
22 9.93251859124502867182e-01
23 7.34731691735652558961e-01
24 1.35518009346889334310e+00
25 -1.95940910864208284181e-01
26 3.83697370040185603557e+00
27 -7.05189575001651824948e+00
28 2.34369387111549301039e+01
29 -6.49806812262422965887e+01
30 2.00272178585949376384e+02
31 -6.22011686831844826884e+02
32 2.00929668250509689642e+03
33 -6.67402093630681156355e+03
34 2.28492589676536808838e+04
35 -8.04822206962080381345e+04
36 2.91511106093694223091e+05
37 -1.08486420302894408815e+06
38 4.14536197163708135486e+06
39 -1.62525201095604188740e+07
40 6.53390082152295857668e+07
41 -2.69186257916409492493e+08
42 1.13581985983647465706e+09
43 -4.90570644650092697144e+09
44 2.16770093013836402893e+10
45 -9.79452115640969238281e+10
46 4.52317004417113769531e+11
47 -2.13391541069457666016e+12
48 1.02800001818415390625e+13
49 -5.05481862215854296875e+13

0 1.00000000000000000000e+00
1 9.00000000000000022204e-01
2 9.20000000000000039968e-01
3 9.14000000000000034639e-01
4 9.16399999999999992362e-01
5 9.15200000000000013500e-01
6 9.15920000000000067431e-01
7 9.15416000000000118497e-01
8 9.15819200000000166462e-01
9 9.15456320000000212112e-01
10 9.15819200000000166462e-01
11 9.15420032000000216676e-01
12 9.15899033600000245237e-01
13 9.15276331520000208108e-01
14 9.16148114432000171270e-01
15 9.14840440064000115505e-01
16 9.16932719052800160320e-01
17 9.13375844771840195158e-01
18 9.19778218477568243472e-01
19 9.07613708436684984981e-01
